Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Get A Lot Of Earning Content Out There Fast

Here is a little tip for people looking to get a big adsense & affiliate presence real fast and don't want to do a lot of research learning SEO and fighting google.

Here is all you need.

- batch of PLR articles (get thousands of them free on BHW)
- freelancer
- adsense account
- amazon or ebay affiliate account
- account at Xomba (2 million daily visitors, 50-50 adsense split)
- account at Hubpages (8 million daily visitors, 60-40 adsense split + 100% affiliate income)

  1. Most PLR articles are 450-700 words long. Hire a freelancer to rewrite these to 200 word summaries keeping keyword density the same. You can get an article rewritten to a 200 word summary for mere pennies and non-native english speakers can't easily mess this up cause they are just summarizing the larger article. (You can also ask them to make 2 or 3 articles out of one larger one)
  2. Now start submitting the rewritten articles like crazy at those 2 sites.
  3. Xomba will take 150 words as an article. At Hubpages, they like more content but you can use their automated content capsules to fill in content. I use their news feed capsule to add a bunch more content to my short article along with some pics. Then add in some affiliate products from amazon or ebay and you can have a full looking article.

** Twist to make rewritten content go even further and double it up. **

  1. Have each PLR article rewritten to 200 words with a 50 word summary each with 2% keyword density.
  2. Submit the 200 word portion to Hubpages following the steps above.
  3. Xomba has a adsense bookmark option where you can take the 50 word summary and submit as a bookmark with a link to your same Hubpage article.

** Twist 2 to stretch it even further **

  1. You can add in your own link to your blog or website (or maybe CPA offer) into each article or bookmark as well and start feeding your own site with traffic and conversions. 2000-3000 articles should translate to 200-300 daily uvs for your blog.

You should be able to get a few thousand earning articles out there in a month's time for a minimal investment.

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