Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to make $1000 a day exploiting youtub

This has been spoke about before
Thanks Nick

A little more info on it.

Step#1 - Sign up at a CPA network.
I monetize the traffic that I get from Youtube by sending them to CPA offers. If you don't know what a CPA offer is, well its basically like an affiliate network where they pay you every time a visitor you refer fills out a form. Getting people to fill out forms in exchange for some kind of freebie that the advertiser is offering is real easy . If you have an account at these or any other CPA I personally use MillnicMedia network, that will suffice. If you don't then I suggest you signup at MillnicMedia.

Step#2 – Find a good offer to monetize
I usually find offers that give away something free and are in vogue. For example, a free iPhone. The iphone is a very hot product right now and people are crazy about it.
Find such an offer with the network you have signed up for. Try and pick an offer that has a landing page that is well designed and has a "call to action"
Typically a well designed landing page is designed in such a way that the only action the visitor can do is to fill out the form or close the page.
Pick out two to three good offers and save the affiliate links to a file.

Step #3 - Download the video conversion software.
Files that are stored at youtube and other video sharing sites are in the ".flv" format that youll need to convert to mpeg. So to do that youll need this freeware called RIVA flv encoder. Download it from http://www.rivavx.com/?encoder
I’ll explain how to use it further down.

Step#4 – Make the video
Ok this is the place where I hear you go "heck I don't know how to make videos"

Trust me it’s not that hard.

Option A

Go to youtube or any other video sharing site and type the keyword in the search
box. In our example type "iphone"
You will find several videos uploaded by people. Find one that's generic and doesn't have too much branding in it.
The next step is to download this video from youtube or any other video sharing site that you found it at.
To download it visit this site

Enter the url to the video in the box. (make sure that the video site you are using is supported by them)

Save the file when you get the prompt. Once you have finished downloading the file rename the file with the extension ".flv"

Now we need to convert that video into the mpeg format. To do so start the RIVA flv encoder and select the flv file as the input and in the output box enter the filename with the extension ".mpg"
Here is one video that I took and added my advert in the start and the end of the video.

If you have camtasia you can add your advert at any place in the video as a callout.
If you don't have camtasia then you can use the free camstudio that's given along with Tube Automator as a bonus and add your adverts into the video.


The second option is to create a presentation in powerpoint and then record that presentation with either camtasia or camstudio.
Creating text based presentations is a easy simple way to make your video and keep it short and interesting.

Step#5 – Make the blog
The next step is to make a blog at blogger.com and add the code that’s below into the template. This code will redirect the user to your affiliate offer and since it’s a blogspot blog any body snooping around will not get your real info as they can’t really do a "whois" search at blogger.

Step#6 – Upload the video to youtube

Upload the video to youtube and use a catchy title. Example "Win a free iPhone" In the description add the URL to the blog. Do not write anything else in the description. Add descriptive tags based on the offer you are promoting.

Step#7 – Make it popular with Tube Automator
Get Tube Automator to Automate it…
Finally use tube Automator to post comments and vote on your video. The more you vote and post with different accounts the more popular your video gets.

So are you ready to get that avalanche of traffic??

Had First $1,000 a Month Online

I know it's not a lot of money, but I had my first over $1,000 a month online with AdSense (over $800 right now) and some affiliate commissions ( $300+ with affiliate sales). My income has been steadily growing and I've now made over $600 just with AdSense for the past three months.

My goal is to make $5,000 a month just with AdSense and then $9,000. Some new strategies have been working.

My subscription to LinkJuice has paid for itself on a monthly basis -- that's one of the things I've been doing. Other than that, it's good content, some videos online, bookmarking, and persistence. Thanks to LinkJuice, I have one site that has been as high as #2 in Google and the main money site has been as high as #8 (currently at #13).

I'm only making money with 3 sites basically. I just created 7 new AdSense sites and will be promoting them, i.e., getting backlinks by LinkJuice, Howie Schwartz's BookMarkGeneration.com tool (it works well), article writing, etc. Got some strategies I'll be using with article writing.

Here's one hypothesis: I think I can use the Website Content Wizard product with Website Submission Wizard (both by David Watson) to emulate Unique Article Wizard (UAW). That UAW service is $67 a month. That's pricey so I think the WCW and WSW combination can work. I will be testing it out. I've had WCW since Nov. 2006 but never bothered to learn it as I was scared off by it at first. The training stunk but I've now spent some time with it and wonder of wonders it's actually a great product. I honestly think it's the best article spinner on the Web.

I certainly welcome anyone's techniques as to what's working. As I said, I am happy I've reached the $1,000 mark for the first time but I want more! I know it's a pittance but it is growing, and I'm happy about that.

how I make a SOLID $5-$10 per day with Adsense

Last year I signed up for a website called TXT.EXE which is basically a link shortening site like tinyurl, but with a twist. If you are a member on the site you can have your adsense ads displayed on a gateway page, and the ads will show up based on the content of the URL you shorten (or squeeze, as they say). There are other sites like this, but this one has always worked the best for me.

There are a few caveats here:

- When I signed up it was a free beta test and I only got 25% of the total impressions for my ads.

- Now they changed it, you get 100% of the impressions BUT there it costs like $20 a month. You also get bonus impressions from the thousands of urls that people squeeze there each day as unregistered members.

Now I'd like to think I am an "above average" user. I know how to make money with adsense and using this site I was able to make about $3 a day average when I was only getting 25% of the impression. Now that I get 100% plus bonus, I am making $10 a day on average.

Wow. Big deal, you say. $10 is nothing...hey, that is $280 per month ($300 - 20 fee) and it is the easiest thing to do. What I'm going to do is share some of my techniques that work for me.

How to pick a link?

First of all, there are no restrictions on what links you can squeeze. Anything goes, but not anything will make you money. Before you choose a link you should find a "hot button" topic...and the link should either drive high volume for low payout, or have a high payout niche like something medical or web hosting related.

Low Payout / High Volume

I am a fan of anime, and Bleach is very popular. Rabid anime fans troll forums and such looking for the latest episode to watch or download...so what I do is I go on youtube and find the lastest episode or preview and squeeze that link, then post it on several anime forums. This includes "myspace forums", facebook and anime-specific discussion forums.

WITHIN MINUTES my link is getting hundreds of clicks. Literally...I shit you not. Just one of my anime links will pull in 100+ clicks per day for about 1.5 weeks, where it tapers down and gets a steady 25 per day. These are unique visitors, not repeat impressions from the same users.

Dude that's 100+ adsense impressions. Oh yeah, TXT.EXE has godly high CTR. Mine is around 8% always. Do the math. That is a minimum of 8 clicks per day for one link. I spend about 30-60 minutes every day or two and I do about 15 links. Anime links don't earn a lot per click, but the volume of clicks makes up for the lower payout.

This will work with TV shows too, not just anime. Pick any popular show, squeeze a link to it on youtube (you can upload clips of TV shows to youtube if you want) and share the squeezed link. The nice thing is that TXT.EXE will automatically embed links to youtube which increases your chances of getting clicks on ads. It's awesome.

Low Volume / High Payout

It's always nice to "diversify" and go for some high paying clicks. I guess you could research adsense websites that give you estimates of bids on whatever keywords, but common sense works too. What I prefer to do here is look on forums for threads about people asking "which is better, product a or b?" and then I squeeze a few links to product C (one related to A and B) and recommend that they check out product C.


POST: Should I get a panasonic LED tv or is the sony better?

Me: They're both good, but you should really check out the samsung LED TV before making your decision. Here are some reviews about it.

Notice, I squeeze one link to the TV itself and then another link to reviews about the TV. Bam. The nice thing is that google will index these forum posts and people searching for panasonic LED TV or whatever will see the links I posted, and click thru, see related ads and click them too.

These links have a longer "life" meaning you get about 10-30 clicks per day but rather than dying in a week or two they'll keep driving that kind of traffic for months.

Yep. That's pretty much all I do with TXT.EXE to rake in about $300 extra clams each month. No need to waste time with articles or other junk - just squeeze links to articles and share the links. LOL Told ya it was easy! That's like a car payment or something.

A few notes:

- Is it safe for your adsense account? I've been using it with txt.exe for almost 2 years now and never had so much as a peep from google. Nothing in google's terms specifically prohibit using adsense on a site like this (I checked and rechecked).

- NEW adsense accounts will have reduced payouts compared to established accounts. I've had my adsense account since 2004...it's 5 years old now. Most people don't know that and wonder why they don't earn good money with adsense.

- I think you could make more than $10 per day with this if you really were motivated. Maybe some of you Xrumer guys could figure something out.

- You won't make anything with this if you are lazy so don't waste your time!

- Yes, I actually pay for this service. Spending $20 to make $300 is 1500% ROI...w00t!

Legit way of making good money with adsense

Well here goes..I am a white hat so this is legit anything legit does take time to set up, for myself it took me about 45 min to set it up with all my different accounts...

1. Make an adsense account-(duh but just in case lol)
2. Make two Facebook accounts( one will be the main one okey dokie and the other is to make your post sounds time consuming but it works )
3.After you make two fb accounts set up the main one and make a fan or group page you can make as many as you want(make sure when your making groups or fan pages its something people are going to want to look into ex. right now they have the stupid tiger woods thing going on..so could make one saying Nope I did not sleep with tiger okay this is just an example)
4.Now is where your other account comes into play make sure that the other account is one of your friends on the main account make the secondary account which does most of the work Admin to all of your groups(k done good well lets move on lol)
5.Time to make accounts on other sites now lol :P(we will be coming back to your fan or group page in a second dont want them to feel lonely)
6.Time to bloggg yes I said blogg lol, so what we want to do is make a default bloggspot so that we can manage all our blogs in one spot(if you do not have a google account by now time to make one)
7.Make sure that for every fan or group page you have that you have a blogg for it(k got it good)..lets move on then
8.Time to make a few accounts on twitter..Yes i said twitter (a large growing community and only seems to be getting bigger)once again remember you need a twitter account for each one of these groups or fan pages you made...
9.Follow people in the correct field lol..(this means if your groups are about tech stuff follow tech people another good place for your twitter accounts are sites like we follow so you can get more followers on your page)got it good lets move on..
10.So what we want to do now is make sure that we have a loop going on from FB to twitter which is easy cause it will ask the secondary account if you want to connect to twitter..
11. Lets blogg (make sure you have adsense set up on your blogg duh)
12. Open bit.ly (site that makes your url smaller k..got it good) this site also tracks your shortened url so you can tell how many times somone clicked on that url
13. Copy the url of your finished blogg into bit.ly
14. On your secondary FB account paste it on the wall of your fan or group page(this will cause a loop in your feeds,fb, twitter,blogg)
15.The two main tabs you will always have open is your blogg and FB...Make a blogg paste it cycle lol
16.Just remember the secondary account has to do all the work it is the one to do all the posts or else the loop does not work..NETWORKING is key with all of this so add people add people add!!!

By now your thinking that is allot of work well setting it up is the longest part but once you get it going and have a regular revenue of fans,twitter groupies your good to go :P

This is not a get rich quick scheme by any sort of means this takes time and effort..You know what they say a closed mouth does not get fed meaning if you dont open your mouth and do something about it your never going to make any money just sitting there...Well that is if your doing it the White hat aka ethical way..just remember adsense is picky so you have to work with them and figure out ways around thier system which are in the legal aspects they ask for and state

If you dont like the advise you dont have to use it..If you dont like it ohwell this is my experience and after a while it works good So no bad mouthing ...You know what your mom said If you dont have nothing nice to say dont say nothing at all

The True About Adsense - How Earn A Lot of Money

Today I decided to share my successful story with Adsense and sorry my bad english but i really sucks in grammar

Everything started last July 2009, I created an blog about the 80s and i choose Adsense to earn some money.. But i just earn €3,84 in the first month .

So, after this i read a lot of things, all theories, everything about make money with Adsense!! And in August.. just €5,74

Okay! So in September i created an free blog about new years eve and i started earn something like €0,30 per day.. So i bought a domain.com and in the end of September i made €29,78.

After that i'm starting posting 2 or 3 articles per week in my blog and in October i made €116,99.

So the new years eve are close and in November i made €243,87. So, now we are in December and since 1st December i made €320,75.

After all.. I invested €17 (€10 hosting + €7 domain.com) and since that i earn €711,4. So.. That's amazing and TRUE . I receive all money by Bank Transfer every month.