Monday, November 5, 2007

Extract More and More Money Through Adsense

Quite saturated from my Technology reviews and Web 2.0 Reviews I think its time to give the blogging world a piece of innovation and creativity. Certainly making money online is the biggest tactic of all and the more strategies you try means the more close you get to your online success.

I may not be a Dot Com Mogul and certainly my ways and my strategies of making money online are really unique and different from other bloggers on the blogosphere. Today is when I shall be discussing my ways and my tactics of making money online.

In the past couple of weeks I was busy revamping my blog with a unique cheesy looking theme and at the same time I was busy experimenting with new Adsense and Kontera CTR Boosting strategies. Thanks to Daniel and Gili for their excellent piece of advice I have managed to boost my earnings a lot.

Here are some random adsense optimizing tips that can help you make more and more money online.

Extract More and More Money Though Adsense

Ok to find the most optimum position for your adsense ads on your blog is really a difficult task and it took me almost 3-4 weeks to find this out until I got a stable and good CTR. But here I am posting some tips for you that may help you get good earnins through your Adsense ads.

1. No Ads on Homepage
Make sure you have ads on or near any of your content posts on the home page. A vertical ad banner in the sidebar looks fine on the homepage but by putting ads in your content on the homepage drives traffic away. Readers come to your blog to find content that is easy to find and read. If they find that your blog is over crowded with a lot of ads they may leave and may not ever come back. Also it is a very common observation for bloggers that their homepage visitors are always less than the visitors on the indivisual content posts. So by putting ads on your homepage you are not only destroying its look but also losing a good amount of unique visitors.
2. 336×280 Ad Block in Indivisual Posts
Trust me this is the real thing that is going to pay you off if you are using Google Adsense. In your singe.php try placing a 336×280 ad block just in between your post title and post content and see how well it goes. Make sure the ad block blends well with your content. You can make the color of the ad links the same as the color of the normal links in your blog design and make sure you make the color of the text and url in the ad block the same as the color of the text of the content of your blog. In most cases the hexadecimal color 666666 is a perfect blend. Make sure this ad block is not inside a Float DIV which means the content should not wrap around it. It is better if you make the ads appear on this ad block totally ‘text’ specific because and not ‘image’ specific.
3. Vertical Ad Banner in Sidebar
Though this ad banner may not pay you off very well but we have way to make it more cheesy and attractive for your visitors. First of all you have to decide whether ads that you want to appear on your blog sidebar are going to ‘text’ specific or ‘image specific’. If you choose ‘text ads’ only make sure you use the 120×600 vertical banner size. The color of the links of the ad block should be the same as the color of your post heading, the text color should be same as the text color of your blog posts e.g. 666666 and the url color should be the same as the normal links color of your blog design. In case you opt for ‘image ads’ then make sure you choose the 160×600 vertical banner size as in this case you will recieve more dynamic ads from the advetisers which are some times highly attractive and even attrractive.
4. Using The Adsense Ad Link Units
Most bloggers do not understand the true revenue generating power of adsense ad link units and put them randomly on their blog thinking this would drive some visitor attention but actually it does not. The best two places where your ad link units can prove themselves really useful are below the header or logo of your blog design or in your sidebar. As Google allows only one ad link unit per page so first decide if you want to place a vertical or horizontal ad link unit. In case of ‘horizontal ad link unit’ always use a 728×15 ad link unit below the header of your blog if you have a site wide header or logo and if your logo or header is not site wide then use the 468×15_4 ad link unit below the logo or header. In case where you opt for having a ‘vertical ad link unit’ then its always suitable for you to use the ‘text-decoration:underline’ property for your sidebar link list in your blog theme css in order to make your link units blend more with your original sidebar link lists. 160×90_4 is the most optimum ad link unit for placing ad link units in your sidebar. To blend your ad link units with your blog always keep the color of the links of the ad link units the same as the color of the normal links of your blog design.

Special Note: Always make the border and background color of your ads the same as the background color of your posts. Making your ads stand out of your content by giving them a different border and bakground color would the worst thing ever you will do to your CTR.

Well these are all the tips that I could render for you concerning your Adsense Earnings and following these guidelines shall definitely help you attain a good CTR.

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